I must admit I kinda liked Sofia Coppola’s movie Marie Antoinette and the Virgin Suicides wasn’t bad. In Marie Antoinette, I generally liked the idea of showing how the dynamics of their everyday life was not unlike that of present day, and her relating of our social context to that figure in a pivotal point in history. Also, I recently saw Killa Bee Bill Murray in Broken Flowers, which was completed after this. I was curious to watch this movie. I do believe it has unique and enduring qualities and moments, but I wasn’t completely dazzled with the whole thing.
Bob Harris and Charlotte, are at different points in their lives, are married (and are in love with their spouses, I believe) but share a true chemistry. I am unsure, and I think it is meant to be ambiguous as to how they feel about each other. Is it a friendship or an affair, or something else? Are they in love or is it just that they are right together, or are they just unhappy with the lives that they lead with those they love? I believe these are the interesting questions; however much of this film is just watching them chill, pretty much. The acting is great, and much of the value comes from this subtly. At the same time, this can be somewhat uneventful and Charlotte’s exploratory adventures didn’t always help.

Perhaps the real accomplishing feat is by Bill Murray, who does deliver a full-bodied experience. I think at the time that this film debuted, this was not expected from him, so the impact was that much more jarring and moving.
I was unaware Scarlett Johansson was the co-star, but I was pleasantly surprised. She was almost too beautiful for the role, but that’s probably one of the better a problems someone could have. Her acting is also great; she has dimensionality. Charlotte has charm, but she also has flaws that make her unlikeable. I should mention the same with Bob Harris. Perhaps part of my problem with this movie, was that they’re so good at replicating the everyday that it just became too mundane for me.

Although it might be difficult for some (including me) it might be hard to get through some of it, but I don’t think you can have a legit opinion unless you see it to the end. Overall, I found it was not-bad. It’s worth seeing.
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